2022 Monthly Meeting Topics and Events

February: New Ham Radio Operator Introduction to the Hobby, Session One.
NOTE: Meeting moved to the THIRD Saturday for this month only.

  • Pro's and Con's to hand held, base and mobile radios.
  • Radio manufacturers, ease of use, cost, performance and best starter radio comparison.

March: (Testing Session) John Glass: CPR Training

April: New Ham Radio Operator Introduction to the Hobby, Session Two

  • Batteries
  • Power Supplies
  • Coax
  • Antennas
  • Connectors
  • Programming Software
  • Advanced Radio Comparison

May: Hurricane Season Presentation & Push-Up Pole Installation

June: Field Day Preparations

  • George County ARES/Ham Radio Activity: (Field Day - June 25th & 26th 2022)
  • George County ARES Activity: Testing Session at Field Day Event

July: Antenna Launcher Building Project.

August: What is, and How to Use Group Call on Your Radio
George County ARES/Ham Radio Activity: Simulated Emergency Test (SET), (Tentatively scheduled for the first weekend in August.)

September: (Testing Session) HF Radio

  • Cost
  • Features to look for
  • Manufacturers
  • Radio Comparisons

October: Explanation of Memory Types & Memory Banks on Our Radios and how to make good use of them.

November: (Testing Session) Open Topic

December: Christmas Luncheon and Ham Radio Password